The Top 5 Benefits of Magnesium Oil Spray

This post has the Top 5 Benefits of Magnesium Oil Spray. From it being a powerful anti-depressant to its remarkable sleep support. There are so many ways this magical oil can help aid in Health & Wellness. Here are the best reasons to use it, and why. Plus there is a recipe at the end of this post to make your own magnesium oil with just 2 ingredients.

The Top 5 Benefits of Magnesium Oil Spray

Finding a Quality Magnesium Oil Supplement Spray

There are many choices when it comes to Magnesium Sprays. To make sure you are getting one that is high quality here are a few tips.

Make sure the brand is reputable. Brands like Ancient Minerals and Seven Minerals are great brands to get your Magnesium supplements.

Check the ingredients. The only ingredients in magnesium oil should be water and Magnesium Chloride.

This is the one I recommend if you don’t want to make your own:

Buy on Amazon

Top 5 Benefits of Magnesium Oil Spray

Stress and Anxiety Relief:

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to anxiety, depression, and low mood – due to magnesium’s role in neurotransmitter production and transport. Magnesium can also help reduce cortisol levels – the key hormone that is produced by the body in response to stressful situations. Using magnesium oil on the skin can help increase cellular magnesium levels to help manage stress levels.

Sleep Support (quality and duration):

If you’re struggling to hit the sack, Magnesium may be the answer. Magnesium can help support your circadian rhythm to promote sleep quality and duration. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to sleep apnea, insomnia, and other disorders. Supplementing with Magnesium has been shown to be simple and effective at improving sleep efficiency, sleep time, and sleep onset, as well as aiding in early morning awakening.

Migraine and Headache Relief:

Magnesium deficiency is also known to contribute to headaches and migraines if not replenished. Magnesium affects neurotransmitter function and blood circulation. It also helps to relieve migraines by releasing pain-reducing hormones and reducing the constriction of blood vessels (vasoconstriction) that causes an increase in blood pressure. To avoid headaches and get rid of pain, you can use topical magnesium on your temples and massage it in for natural relief.

Supports Energy Production:

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for energy metabolism. If you feel constantly tired and restless, you may need a kick of magnesium. Simply massaging topical magnesium oil daily onto your skin can help replenish stores and leave you energized and ready to tackle the day.

Muscle Soothing and Recovery:

Aching after an intense workout? Use magnesium oil as a natural lubricant to soothe the pain. By helping regulate neuromuscular signals, muscle contractions and balancing calcium levels within the body, magnesium can help muscles relax and contract, easing pain and reducing cramps which may also contribute to problems including constipation, premenstrual syndrome, as well as pain in overworked muscles.

Even More Benefits of Magnesium Oil

  • Aids constipation
  • Prevents asthma
  • Promotes a healthy heart
  • Controls bladder functions
  • Helps to keep bones strong and healthy
  • Boosts energy

How to Make Magnesium Oil Spray

How to Make Magnesium Oil Spray

Making your own Magnesium oil is super easy! While buying magnesium spray isn’t overly expensive, you may want to consider making it. Having the ingredients needed to make magnesium oil is beneficial for other reasons as well. I like to make my own because it’s way cheaper per ounce, plus I like to keep my oil in a glass spray bottle to keep it from absorbing microplastics in the typical plastic bottles that you usually buy the oil in.

You can learn more about Transdermal Magnesium supplementation here, and why keeping Magnesium flakes on hand is great for adding to your bath water.

Here is what you need to make your own Magnesium Oil Spray:

Magnesium Oil Spray Recipe

  • 1/2 Cup Magnesium Flakes
  • 1/2 Cup Distilled Water

Warm up the distilled water on the stovetop or in the microwave (use a glass dish if opting for a microwave). Once the water is hot, but not boiling, remove from heat. Let it cool slightly. You want it warmer than room temperature, but not scalding hot – think hot bath water. Pour the warm water over the Magnesium Flakes and stir the mixture until the flakes dissolve. Once they are dissolved completely put the mixture in your glass spray bottles.

This post was all about the benefits of Magnesium Oil

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xo, Winky Pink